
[You feel like someone is behind you... You turn around.]


[No one is there..]

[Best keep walking....]



[You turn around once again..]

Who is there?


[No one is there again.. You turn back around and begin to walk much faster..]



[That was closer this time... You whip your head around.. No one is there]

Who is that? I hear you crying!

[You look around.. You step back a bit before turning around again..]


[You start walking faster.. That sounded like it was right down your neck.]

Someone is here.. I just know it.

Lt yt ymj qjky. Lt yt ymj qjky. Lt yt ymj qjky


[You look behind you.. but you dont stop walking.]


[No answer..]

Who was that?? Hello?!

[You hesitantly turn around.. And you start to run away]

Don't go..



[You turn back forward.. And you start to run.. Ignoring the voice..]

[As you run.. The voice begins to get farther.. Yes! Until you reach a weird fork in the pathway you're at.]

[What to do now?]
