
These are stories or little things I've written that dont have a section in the Library... Read some! They might be fun or even helpful!!!

glitter maker

I used to make smoothies when I was home alone and I was bored. I got all my ingredients and threw em in a blender! I added some ice for some reason and then began drinking it down!! I haven't made this in a while so I don't remember how it tastes- But i do know the ingredients. The said ingredients are listed below.

A bunch of blueberries (Prolly around a cup)

A single banana (Dont forget to peel!)

A cup of almond milk cus I dont have regular

Coconut milk (OPTIONAL)

One tsp of Flaxseeds

Now just kinda.. Put em in the blender- and blend them. MAKE SURE YOU WASH THE STUFF THAT NEEDS TO BE WASHED PLEASE!!!