

Recommend me crap!!

Hey! You're there! Can you suggest ideas for me to write about at my neocities email? I know I don't check it or my main email often but I could try and check them earlier!!

Welcome to the Lybrary! This Lybrarary is full of books!! Well actually web pages that I call books... BUT. It's something you can read. BTW I left some articles and stuff for you to read if you don't want to read my awful writing works.



Say NO to Web3!!!

Tiktok's enshittification

Why you should make a site


Made with love and the power of friendship on November 22 2023!!! Also btw don steal my stuff pls! ITS NOT URS ITS MINE!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAH GRRRRRRAAAAAAAHHH >:(